The sold-out 16th annual Therapies in the School Conference took place in Framingham, MA on November 19-20 and was sponsored once again by Education Resources Inc. Therapro’s exhibit was visited by most of the 350 attendees who hailed from many corners of the USA. Every year, this conference seeks to provide topics that address building successful school experiences for children who have motor and sensory processing challenges. The themes of research-based treatment techniques, effective goal writing, and collaboration with team members flowed throughout both conference days. A sampling of interesting workshops included: Addressing Motor Issues in Autism, The Role of the Therapist in Improving Mental Health and Reducing School Aggression, and Making Feeding Intervention Work in the Schools. Some of the sessions from the 2015 conference were videotaped and will be offered online in early 2016.
Therapists stopped by the Therapro exhibit to pick up a new catalog, stock up on old favorites like Zipper Zoom Ball, Yogarilla, and Doodle Top, or to just say ‘hello.’ New products like Wind-UpToys, Bouncy Bands for Chairs and Desks, Progressive Grip Kit, and DNA Ball were so popular that we couldn’t keep them in stock.
Many therapists throughout both conference days selected the following books:
- No Longer a Secret, whose co-author Doreit Bialer, OTD, MA was a conference presenter
- The Sensory Connection Program books by Therapro author Karen Moore, OTR/L
Therapists were enthused about the information they gained from this exceptional conference. Therapro was proud to participate in the conference and to provide the tools that therapists (and their students!) love to use in their school-based practice.
Filomena Connor, MS, OTR/L