All posts by Allyson Locke, M.S., OTR/L

Review: Oct 13, 2018: Pediatric Occupation-Based Assessment

Therapro’s October 13th Saturday Seminar featured Margaret (Peggy) Morris, OTD, OTR/L, BCP, who presented her seminar, Pediatric Occupation-Based Assessment. Her review of a variety of pediatric assessment tools was comprehensive and enlightening.

Peggy has had a distinguished career as a pediatric occupational therapist, practicing in schools and private practice. Currently she is a faculty member in Tufts University’s Graduate Occupational Therapy Department. In addition, she is has presented workshops nationally and has been a Certified National Presenter for Handwriting without Tears.

Peggy contends that “occupational therapists have, at the heart and soul of their being, a focus on participation in meaningful occupations.” She distinguished between two assessment frameworks that current assessments occupy: International Classification of Function (ICF) and OT Practice Framework, 3rd ed. (OTPF3). Interestingly, assessments that are in the ICF category may not be occupational therapist designed, and focus on assessment of body function and structures that may limit function. The assessments in the OTPF3 category are occupation-based tools that assess function in “wanted and needed” occupations, and are being developed or have been developed by occupational therapists. The occupation-based tools have the added advantage that they can be used to determine progress versus only improved scores. Peggy noted that the very first occupation-based tool that requires clinic reasoning was the School Function Assessment. It appears that the OTPF3 group includes the important feature of attaining the student’s view of what he/she would like to focus on, i.e. student’s goal. Peggy pointed out commonalities between the two assessment categories to be considered when selecting an assessment tool. She mentioned the GOAL, Goal Oriented Assessment of Life Skills and Miller Function and Participation Scales (M-FUN) as hybrid tools.

A number of assessment tools were discussed that have empirical data associated with them. An interesting study highlighted the tools that therapists choose. The Beery VMI and the BOT-2 were at the top of the list. The Beery is a “bottom up” assessment that looks at student factors like body structures and function. On the other hand, a “top down” assessment tool offers an occupation-based way to provide services. A highly recommended tool was the COPM, Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, which was designed as an outcome tool.

Peggy discussed making an important distinction between “clinical reasoning” and “contextual or environmental observation” when evaluating a student. Clinical reasoning tells what you observe, i.e. convergence of the eyes, whereas contextual/environmental observation refers to observation of function in the classroom. She suggested that in the therapist’s assessment report that contextual/environmental observations be listed and discussed as the first tool used in the assessment to highlight its importance.

To gradually shift our focus to occupation-based and participation-based measures for assessments, versus only performance-based measures, Peggy suggested we review assessment results with parents and teachers by discussing qualitative results first, and then the scores the child received. With more occupation-based tools emerging, we can provide more meaningful evaluation of a student’s school function, and plan therapy that is also meaningful to the student!

Take a look at some of the extremely positive comments from attendees:

“This presentation reminds me of why I became an OT! This brings back the importance of connection & what is truly meaningful. Thank you.” – Tara G., Occupational Therapist

“It helped me to think more broadly about how to assess the students I work with. It also helped to think about keeping the student’s desires in perspective and a priority.” – Cindy M., COTA

“Fascinating to hear about new resources, (new/old?) ways to approach how we think and can change our practice! Thanks so much!” – Beth B., Occupational Therapist

“Well presented. Made me think about questions that I didn’t know I had.” – Trisha L., Occupational Therapist

“It brings our practice forward into a more function-based orientation by challenging old mind set.” – Marion S., Occupational Therapist

Thank you, Peg!

Filomena Connor, MS, OTR/L
October 13, 2018

Review: Sep 15, 2018: Practical and Effective Strategies to Improve Self-Regulation

Jocelynn Wallach, MS, OTR/L‘s September 15th Saturday Seminar entitled: Practical and Effective Strategies to Improve Self-Regulation and Executive Function Skills, was a two hour presentation filled with useful and immediately applicable information. She shared valuable insights and information with the 51 captivated attendees!

With a wealth of over 40 years of pediatric experience in her distinguished career, Jocelynn provides innovative occupational therapy services for children in the Westwood, MA Public School System. In addition to her school-based practice, Jocelynn manages her private practice, Capable Hands and Associates. In addition, she has lectured nation-wide, taught college level courses, and provides training sessions and professional development courses for parents, therapists, instructional aides, and therapists in a variety of settings.

Jocelynn’s learning objectives for her seminar included reviewing the meaning of self-regulation and executive function skills based on the work of A. Jean Ayres, Lucy Jane Miller, Peg Dawson, and Richard Guare. Based on their body of work, she concludes that “self-regulation, which is the end result of well developed sensory integration and effective sensory processing, is the basis upon which higher level executive function skills can develop.”

Jocelynn provided an excellent review of neurological function to illuminate the relationship between self-regulation and executive function skills. She then proceeded to highlight the developmental stages of self-regulation and executive functioning from infancy through adolescence. She discussed “red flag” behaviors that might be observed when a sensory processing disorder and/or executive function dysfunction is present. The following website was recommended to help parents and school personnel have a better understanding of learning processes, insights into difficulties, and strategies for responding: Misunderstood Minds.

To make classrooms and home more conducive to learning, Jocelynn provided a number of useful recommendations with guidelines for calming and guidelines for alerting. She advocated for examining the child’s environment closely and the importance of trying out different environmental changes to determine their effectiveness. For example, simple seating adaptations can make a world of difference. Jocelynn shared her “Seating Options Data Collection” system to help determine what works and what does not work for a particular student.

Activities and apps for helping students improve executive function skills in areas of planning, organization, time management, task initiation, etc. were discussed. Several examples of useful apps she uses include: for self regulation – Pocket Pond, Fireworks, Pot Smash – Zen; for sustained attention – Monster Hunt, SIMON – I Say Pro, Eye Frenzy; and for planning – Voice Thread, Sticky Notes, Doodle Buddy. Some materials she suggested for therapeutic motor breaks include: Bungee Jumper, Thera-band activities, Rapper Snappers, Safety Grip Scooter Board, Drive Thru Menus, and How Does Your Engine Run?, to name just a few!

Jocelynn is a skilled and generous presenter who is very knowledgeable, as evidenced by a rapt and engaged audience. She has developed practical strategies, activities, and data collection methods to improve self-regulation and executive function skills that are designed to ensure student school success.

Attendees provided extremely positive feedback about Jocelynn’s seminar:

“Jocelynn is a great presenter and shared information that is relevant to our daily OT sessions, along with how to support teachers and provide strategies for class use!” – Amy H., Occupational Therapist

“A lot of tools, examples, and resources provided. Love the apps shown during the seminar!” – Vanessa C., Occupational Therapy Grad Student

“Very informative. Lots of suggestions. A review and a new way to look at things. Got my brain thinking. Good presentation.” – Anonymous, Teacher

“It was very comprehensive! Loved it!” – Patricia O., COTA

“Thank you so much for sharing! Just so fantastic. Wonderful, inspiring; gave me realistic ideas to hit the ground running. Thank you. So excited to share this with teachers & staff I work with!” – Tara G., Occupational Therapist

Thank you, Jocelynn!

Filomena Connor, MS, OTR/L
September 15, 2018

Review: Aug 28, 2018: I Can Work! Paving the Path for Vocational Success

At the Fall “Kick-Off” Saturday Seminar Series presentation on August 25th at Therapro, Angela Mahoney, M.Ed. generated an electric environment infused with her passion for helping students and young adults develop the foundation for “career readiness” skills. Angie is an educator and is the author/creator of I Can Work!. Her seminar, I Can Work! Paving the Path for Vocational Success, drew an audience of occupational therapists, parents, and educators, who participated in active dialog with Angie and each other throughout the seminar.

Angie is an ardent educator who continuously strives to modify, expand, and develop I Can Work! Currently she works as a special education middle school case manager in Danbury, Connecticut. For the past 17 years she has worked with students of all ages in a variety of settings, including a private school where she worked with over seventy-five middle school and high school-aged students on a weekly basis, running an inclusion-based elementary program for students with autism, as well as co-teaching core academic classes as part of a team comprised of fellow middle school educators.

Angie stated her goal as an educator is to “help kids find success.” Throughout her seminar, she provided life skills ideas and pre-vocational activities within a structured framework that is applicable to learners of varied abilities. In order to build career skills, Angie discussed the importance of students learning “Vocational Soft Skills” and “Vocational Hard Skills.” Vocational soft skills are interpersonal skills: language skills, social skills, teamwork, communication skills, time management, and more. Angie reported that research indicates that being able to communicate effectively is the most in-demand soft skill. Learning to use soft vocational skills effectively in a pre-vocational environment helps build confidence for when the student is in an actual work environment. For example, learning to maintain a positive attitude and work well with others will be important skills to develop in any chosen career.

“Vocational Hard Skills” are abilities that can be taught and have three characteristics: can be mastered quickly, can be quantified, and can be built over time. The I Can Work! curriculum consists of 5 modules that focus on career readiness: Job Readiness, Clerical, Retail, Food Service, and Grocery. For each module, related vocabulary is taught, tasks are practiced, and visual supports are provided. In addition to exploring career interests, data collection takes place to track learning and success. Opportunities are provided for students to share and reflect on their jobs. Angie advocated the importance for students to have opportunities at home to reinforce pre-vocational skills learned at school with activities like sorting and folding laundry, filing by letter or word, etc.

After hearing the attendees passionately express the need and importance of a solid pre-vocational program for students, it makes good sense that I Can Work! could fulfill this demand. Angie convincingly demonstrated that this curriculum could provide a strong pre-vocational foundation for all, beginning in elementary school and continuing beyond high school years.

Here are some of the many positive comments from seminar attendees:

“This topic is so needed. I would like to ask my school to pay for Angela to come and speak to my district. Also, since she is a sped teacher, my sped teachers can relate!” – Karen B., Occupational Therapist

“Presented in a manner which is easy to follow and incorporate into the school. Data collection sheets are very helpful.” – Pam M., Occupational Therapist

“I would recommend this seminar to increase awareness in schools and SEPACS, maybe local programs.” Aly M. – Teacher, Parent, ABA

“This seminar “honed in” on the need for an available program for pre-vocational and vocational skills beginning from upper elementary through adult.” – Sue R., Occupational Therapist

Thank you, Angie!

Filomena Connor, MS, OTR/L
August 25, 2018