Category Archives: Events

Great Beginnings Conference

Therapro was an exhibitor at the 18th Annual Great Beginnings Conference, sponsored by Criterion Child Enrichment, in Worcester, MA, on October 24, 2015. This year’s conference offered attendees from the fields of early intervention, early childhood education, family support, and allied pediatric health care a variety of workshops centered on the theme of “Culture: Yours, Mine, and Ours.”

fillsandspillsA distinguished group of presenters included a physician, attorneys, a speech pathologist, and an educator who addressed issues that included personal belief systems and their influence on working with clients and colleagues; considerations regarding using interpreters and cultural mediators when providing services; immigration issues; and early language development and second language acquisition.

Throughout the day, attendees eagerly explored the products offered by Therapro. They enjoyed trying out some new items such as the Lollacup, Fills and Spills Fishbowl, and Chewy Skool Kid Stretchy Pendant, as well as some old favorites like the Push Pull Puzzle, Talk It Rock It CDs, and Baby Buzz’r.

Kudos to Criterion Child Enrichment for sponsoring a vital conference! Supporting families by recognizing that cultural backgrounds are dynamic, rich resources for families, and helping families learn how to build partnerships with professionals for accessing and integrating services are essential aspirations for those who work with children and their families.

Filomena Connor, MS, OTR/L

Using Sensory Stories and Sensory Strategy Cards – October 18th Seminar

For children with over-responsive sensory modulation, participating in everyday activities can be overwhelming. Victoria Nackley, MS, OTR/L, co-author of Sensory Stories presented a Therapro seminar on Saturday, October 18th entitled Using Sensory Stories and Sensory Strategy Cards

(45 Strategies to Add to Your Sensory Diet) to Promote Self-Regulation. She engaged the audience of about 60 therapists, teachers, parents and grandparents in learning how to use sensory stories as a therapeutic tool to help a child engage successfully in typical home, school, and community activities that intrinsically are loaded with sensory experiences. Victoria discussed the fact that 15 research studies currently support the theory that Sensory Stories promote a child’s ability to engage in day-to-day activities.

sensory_story_cards2Sensory Stories empower a child to cope with day-to day life activities such as getting dressed, riding the school bus, and going to the store. Victoria and her co-author, Deborah Marr, have developed 30 individual stories that can be customized to each child. She engaged the attendees as a group in a sensory story about brushing their teeth. The calming strategies recommended are simple and quick so that they can easily be incorporated into a task that a child finds difficult to accomplish. For example, calming strategies might involve deep touch pressure like a self-hug or using a towel to apply deep pressure to the skin.

For a child to feel successful everyday builds self-esteem and social acceptance. Sensory Stories add a powerful tool in our toolbox that can help a child learn self- regulation. Following are few of the many positive comments from those who attended the Sensory Stories seminar:

“Informative practical ideas that can be used right away.” Karen D.

“Exploded my ideas beyond the ‘typical’ applications of the Sensory Story cards.” Elizabeth S.

“Gives a very good presentation not only on Sensory Stories but also the importance of understanding sensory modulation.” Brooke W.

“She provided a great background/review on self-regulation. She gave many great examples and treatment ideas. I’m looking forward to trying them both with my clients and my own son!” Natalie S.

Thank you,Tory!

Filomena Connor, MS, OTR/L

OT/PT Fall 2014 Conference

I had the pleasure of representing Therapro at the OT/PT Fall 2014 Conference at Northern Illinois University on October 17, 2014. In its 12th year, this conference provided a jam-packed day of workshops for occupational therapists and physical therapists who provide school-based services. Over 500 therapists traveled from Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana to attend this popular conference held every other year. The objectives of the conference were aimed at ensuring that students continue to receive exceptional therapeutic support from therapists in their educational programs through collaboration with educational staff and families.

Attendees chose from 11 dynamic workshops with pertinent content, including:

  • gator-tweezersActivity Based Intervention -The Role of Adaptive Equipment
  • YogaEd and Brain Gym
  • The Zones of Regulation
  • AT Solutions
  • …and many more.

Therapro author Tere Bowen-Irish presented a full day session at the conference entitled: OT for the Anxious/Stressed Students (Strategies for a Calmer Classroom) and Drive Thru Menus for Pre-School and Kindergarten…Setting the Scene for Pre-literacy Skills and Comprehension through an OT’s Eyes.

Therapists congregated at the Therapro exhibit to peruse products, try them out, and discuss them with colleagues. Among popular items were:

Congratulations to conference chairs Deb Daniel and Terry Seifert for all their intensive labor that resulted in a successful, stimulating conference. See you again next time around!

Filomena Connor, MS, OTR/L