Boy holding a pencil and writing using a slant board to assist

Empowering Classroom Engagement with Assistive Technology

Unlocking the keys to classroom participation and success begins with selecting the perfect low-tech assistive technology tools. Ensuring students have the ideal support not only fosters full engagement in classroom activities but also transforms learning into an enjoyable experience. Dive into the world of low-tech assistive technology with Therapro’s expert recommendations, paving the way for enhanced participation and a more fulfilling educational journey.

Teacher and two children coloring

Is Handwriting an Endangered Skill?

Is Handwriting an Endangered Skill? There are numerous arguments surrounding the viewpoint that handwriting may become an endangered skill. It’s crucial to counterbalance these points by discussing the benefits of handwriting, including its role in fine motor skill development, cognitive processes, and potential impact on memory retention. Occupational therapists (OTs) at Therapro advocate for a holistic approach that incorporates both traditional and digital skills.